Inquiring Minds

Our Cotton Ball & Sand Paper Inquiry

Students were engaged in a lesson to help them understand in a meaningful way, our school board's spiritual theme:
"Sent to be the Good News"

Our learning goal was to help students develop a deeper understanding of the power behind the words that they use and hear and to increase their awareness of how they can choose words that will make them and others feel good and in so doing, be the "good news" that Jesus wants us to show to each other.

Students were each given a ziploc bag with a cotton ball and a piece of sand paper.  They were asked to take out the cotton ball and describe it. Some observations shared included:

“A marshmallow. . . . . A soft blanket . . . . Fluffy like my dog. . . . . 
A soft snowball. . . .  Sheep’s fur . . . . Cat fur. . . . Bunny fur. . . . Super soft. . . . A comfy pillow . . .Soft pyjamas”

"Next, students were asked to feel the sand paper and 
describe it. Observations shared included:

"rough. . .  hard . . .  a bit sharp. . . .  ouch. . . .  prickly . . .  scratchy . . . . like a porcupine.  .  . . . it can hurt . . . . like tree bark . . . . hard sand. . . . sticks to stuff."

Afterwards, we discussed how words can feel the same way.

Cotton Ball Words…
are soft and gentle words.
 They are helpful and kind words
 and they make us feel welcomed and loved.
When we use Cotton Ball Words,
we make people feel happy!

Sand Paper Words…
are “rough” and “harsh” words.
 They are hurtful and mean words
and they make us feel bad and unimportant.
When we use Sandpaper words,
we make people feel sad.

Children were then asked to think of and share some examples of cotton ball words and sand paper words.  

Some examples of COTTON BALL words were:

  “I love you.”
 You are very nice.”
“I love playing with you.”
I’m your friend.”
“I like your picture.”
“Do you want to play with me?”
“I love your art.”
“Please” and “Thank you”
“Thank you for helping me.”
“I like your tower.”
“I like your pants.”
“Your hair looks like an angel.” 

Some examples of SANDPAPER words were:

“Your work is messy.”
“You’re a baby.”
“I don’t want to be your friend.”
“You can’t play with us.”
“I don’t like you.”
“You’re not allowed to play with us.”
“Your food looks yucky.”
 “You’re stupid.”
“Go away”
Name Calling
Bad words

Already, it seems that the lesson has been very effective and students are quick to label/identify words as being cotton ball or sandpaper words. They understand that they can choose to use cotton ball words to resolve conflicts and to show a kind and caring demeanour with one another.
  There are many smiles!

Below are some books that we read that helped us to understand how words can help us or hurt us: