Sunday, June 25, 2017

Entrepreneur Day!

On June 14, students celebrated Entrepreneur Day in our Grade 1 Class.  Students were involved in creating their own goods to sell, pricing them, and creating posters to advertise their shops.
Students took turns playing the role of shopper and shopkeeper.  Using coins that were provided at each shop, they were expected to represent the price of an item by selecting the right coin combination.  Students made their own shopping bags and were able to collect a a sample of each item that was created.  Below are some pictures from our day which was a huge success judging by the student's enthusiasm and engage from start to finish!
 Fridge Magnet Shop

 Decorated Pencils Shop

 Paper Bag Puppet Shop

 Notebook Shop

 Clay Creations and Beaded Bracelet Shop

 Used Book Sale & Bookmark Shop

Paper Airplane Shop

Post Card Shop