Sunday, October 16, 2016

Samaritans on the Digital Road

Last week we began talking about what it means to be 'Samaritans on the  Digital Road.' The students are participating in a total of 5 lessons. 
Some of the learning goals are:

*to learn what it means to be a good citizen and a good 'digital citizen'
*to learn what it means to have access to technology
*to learn proper etiquette for the Internet
*to learn to avoid pop-ups and advertisements
*to learn how to be safe on-line

One video, "My Online Neighbourhood," explained 3 important safety rules for students to remember when they are working online.  
Ask your child to tell them to you.

1. Always ask a parent first before going online.
2. Only talk to people you know.
3. Only go to sites that are "just right" for you.

The video can be viewed below:


 This is the anchor chart we created to outline the success criteria for the second learning skill we are focusing on this term which is collaboration. We refer to it on a daily basis to remind ourselves of what collaboration looks like and sounds like and already many students are proud to identify themselves as "collaborators" in our classroom.

Some read alouds we are reading to help us understand the power of collaboration!