Monday, December 5, 2016

Today, we celebrated the second week of Advent.  We were introduced to our gospel value of HOPE which we will be focusing on for the next month.  Students will be invited to write about their hopes and place them in a HOPE box near the office.  Each day, some of the students' hopes will be shared over the lunch hour. On December 22, the Grade 1s will be leading our Advent Mass.  More information to come!

Georges Vanier will be having a Math Night for Parents and their children on Wednesday, December 7th.  Please see the schools website for additional information.
During the month of November, our school focused on the gospel value of Dignity of the Human Person.  Students were asked to think about what they think is important for every person to have a happy life.  We posted their very thoughtful ideas above our prayer table.

Below, is a picture of our 'Sent to be Good News'  Bulletin Board that our class made.  Students are able to write about ways they have been the good news at school and at home.  The note paper is laminated so that they may update their good news on a frequent basis!  It is also a great opportunity for them to practise their reading and their writing.  

We have been working on retelling the characters, setting, problem, solution, and beginning, middle, and end in Language Arts.  We have been using a "yellow brick road" strategy to help us remember these important story elements.  We will continue to work on this important skill.  When you are reading with your child, please encourage them to retell what they have read to demonstrate their comprehension which is important when determining "just right" reading levels.